See Arnie back in action in the original 1984 Terminator film


Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in his most iconic role when Terminator Genisys arrives on 3 July. But before that, on 23 June, Cineworld is giving you the chance to enjoy the very first Terminator movie back on the big screen where it belongs. Come skip with us down memory lane to 1984, when nobody had heard of director James Cameron and ambitious Arnie had yet to become a star. Here are five of the key scenes in  The Terminator that made their careers and launched one of the greatest sci-fi action franchises.

Arnie in the buff 

Arnie's Terminator T-800 arrives from the future without a stitch of clothing. He struts purposefully in the altogether towards a bunch of street punks, who foolishly make fun of him. After one gets his heart ripped out, another swiftly surrenders his clothes. It's a scene that underlines the dry, black humour Arnie brings to the role. His  recent pranking of fans for charity by pretending to be a Terminator waxwork shows he's lost none of this sense of fun.

The gun store scene 

Time for The Terminator to tool up. Arnie struts into the Alamo gun store and proceeds to select everything in sight. "I think I'm going to close early today," quips the delighted proprietor, little anticipating that his customer has no intention of paying. Or of leaving him alive to tell the tale.

The nightclub shootout 

On the trail of Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the Terminator enters the Tech Noir bar where lots of big-haired cool people are doing funny '80s dancing. Spotting his target, he locks and loads. But Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn), a soldier from the future who's been sent to protect Sarah, blasts him with a shotgun. Unstoppable Arnie isn't about to take that lying down. So he gets up and massacres the fleeing groovers. "Come with me if you want to live!" Kyle tells Sarah, in one of the film's many quotable lines, which is cleverly subverted in Terminator Genisys.

"I'll be back!" 

Arnie's enduring catchphrase is first uttered when The Terminator enters a police station asking to see Sarah, who's making statement. The desk sergeant turns him away, so Arnie delivers the immortal line and departs. Seconds later, he drives a car through the entrance and sets about shooting every cop in sight.

Queasy eyeball surgery 

The Terminator might be an unstoppable cyborg assassin, but that doesn't mean he can't get damaged. In one of the film's grisliest scenes, Arnie pauses amid the mayhem to patch himself up. First he cuts open his lower arm to repair the mechanism that drives his hand. Then he takes a scalpel to pop out that useless damaged eyeball, revealing the servo motor with its sinister red light beneath.

Take a trip down memory lane and watch the original trailer here:

The Terminator will be taking us back to ‘84 when it shows at Cineworld cinemas on 23 June