Five times San Andreas star Dwayne Johnson has met his match


Wrestler turned movie tough guy Dwayne Johnson has triumphed over many enemies throughout his career. But in this week's action-packed release San Andreas, he faces the deadliest threat of all: mother nature itself.

Johnson stars as a helicopter pilot who must rescue his estranged wife and daughter when California's San Andreas fault gives way, triggering a catastrophic earthquake whose effects can be felt across America.

For all his brawn and bravado, it seems like Johnson has finally met his match in this dramatic disaster epic. And this has got us thinking: what are the other times where this has happened? Scroll down to find out...

WrestleMania XV (1999)

In the not-too-distant past, Johnson was regarded as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time. Known as The Rock, he gave rise to such catchphrases as: "Can you smell what The Rock is cookin'?" However, despite his oiled charisma, The Rock was defeated by Stone Cold Steve Austin in this 1999 pay-per-view event, ultimately losing out on the WWF Championship as a result. That's gotta hurt.

The Mummy Returns (2001)

Johnson's movie debut saw him earn a record-breaking $5.5m paycheck. In the movie, he somewhat uncharacteristically plays a villain: the despotic Scorpion King, an Egyptian ruler set on conquering the world, but whose plans are somewhat spoiled by the god Anubis who claims his soul. He re-appears at the end of the movie as a hideously animated CGI monster, where he's defeated by Brendan Fraser's character Rick. It involves a magical sceptre – or something.

Doom (2005)

Although he plays the good guy in this pretty dreadful adaptation of the controversial video game, Johnson's character Sarge ultimately transforms into an ugly, rampaging mutant. After a bruising fight, he's finally killed by former team mate Reaper, played by Karl Urban. It's a terrible movie but nevertheless one of the very few in which we see Johnson transition from good to evil on screen.

The Tooth Fairy (2010)

Johnson hasn't always been pummelled into submission. In this forgettable family film, he plays minor league hockey player Derek who, yes, is transformed into a reluctant tooth fairy. In one of the film's better gags, he meets a character played by Billy Crystal, who deploys instant-acting amnesia dust to wipe Derek's brain – over and over and over again. What use is a brawny, muscular tough guy? One strategic dab of that stuff and you'd have all the power you need.

Fast & Furious 7 (2015)

In a movie packed with more testosterone than you throw a protein shake at, Johnson once again brings the biceps as imposing agent Dwayne Hobbs. However, he sits out most of the action after taking a battering from Jason Statham's villain Deckard Shaw. However, he does return in scene-stealing style at the climax when he breaks off a plaster cast through the sheer power of his muscles. Now, that's manly.

Keen to get your Dwayne Johnson fix? Click here to book your tickets for San Andreas. The movie is released this Friday.