Who's that girl? Everything you need to know about The BFG's Ruby Barnhill


This summer, esteemed Jurassic Park director Steven Spielberg adapts Roald Dahl's beloved children's novel The BFG for a whole new audience.

The movie features an all-star cast including Bridge of Spies Oscar winner Mark Rylance as the eponymous Big Friendly Giant. And stepping onto her first every movie set is actress Ruby Barnhill, playing our central hero Sophie. Here's what you need to know about this star-in-the-making.

It's her first-ever movie

Stepping onto an awe-inspiring Steven Spielberg movie set must be a pretty intimidating prospect, even for the most experienced actor. So imagine what it must have been like for Ruby, who makes her feature film debut in this sure-to-be-thrilling adventure.

She has however acted before

Younger viewers may recognise Ruby from her role in BAFTA-winning CBBC TV series 4 O'Clock Club. Even so, we imagine the transition to the A-list world of the movies must have been pretty overwhelming.

In fact she's been acting for two years

Hailing from Cheshire where she lives with her parents, younger sister and cat, Ruby is a member of her local youth theatre. Given that the character of Sophie was reported to have been based on Dahl's granddaughter Sophie, it makes sense for our lead actress to be British herself.

"I feel incredibly lucky and I’m so happy," Barnhill said upon being cast. "Sophie gets to go on this wonderful adventure and I’m so excited that I get to play her."

Ruby has already wowed Steven Spielberg

"I feel Roald Dahl himself would have found Ruby every bit as marvelous as we do," Spielberg said in a statement. “We have discovered a wonderful Sophie in Ruby Barnhill."

Is it possible to receive a greater compliment than that?

And she has the approval of the Roald Dahl estate

"The character of Sophie is one of the most endearing young heroes in Roald Dahl’s stories. She is as brave as she is curious and has an innate sense of wonder. Many congratulations to Ruby on landing the role. We hope that making The BFG proves an utterly magical adventure for her," added Luke Kelly, the author’s grandson and managing director of the Roald Dahl Literary Estate.

We'll finally get to see Ruby star-making role when The BFG is released on 22nd July. Click here to book your tickets.