Cineworld customers have their say on SPECTRE

As we know now, SPECTRE has been breaking box office records all over the world, and Cineworld customers have been raving about Daniel Craig’s fourth outing as James Bond 007. Here are just some of the reactions Cineworld-ers have been tweeting…

Till (impressive bod in your profile pic there – is that yours?) was mighty impressed and suggested an alternative title:

Stacey, meanwhile, also loved the movie (and was a little more succinct):

Phil Smith seemed to be bowled over by the Day of the Dead pre-title sequence and declared SPECTRE “Best Bond Ever” in his hashtag:

Tristan was also impressed (but appears not to think of Skyfall as a bona fide Bond movie):

“Sol” went to see SPECTRE with his “nipper” and was blown away:

Chris Bain, meanwhile, got some strange looks at Edinburgh Cineworld before going into his screening…

Max however, it appears, loved the film, but not the theme song so much…

What did you think of SPECTRE? Tweet us @cineworld and tell us! And book your tickets here.

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